Friday, March 26, 2010


As children, we all strive just to fit in; to become a cookie-cutter version of the coolest kid we see when we stepped into Mrs. Pickard's kindergarten classroom. But there comes a point in time, somewhere between jr. high and your driver license, that your creative side wants to set you apart. "Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways." In other words, it is not at all wrong to follow your heroes and copy what they have done, but at some point, you have to break the mold and design your own brand of creativity.

My approach to creative thinking is rather simple. I think like a child. Children are the most imaginative people that you know. Just think about it; I can stand and listen outside my two youngest sisters' rooms and hear the fantasy worlds of barbie and batman for hours. Their capacity to invent a story and colorfully provide detail during playtime transcends logic. I remember enough to write a book about the worlds I've created with just a few legos and a little imagination. If we had an ounce of the creativity that comes out of a kid's head, we would never have to sanction time for a brainstorming session or stress over deadlines that require new ideas or creative ingenuity. Sometimes, getting the shot is about replacing analytical thinking with elementary level ideas.

my inspiration for this shot for instance was a Toy Story 3
commercial which most people over the age of 12 would ignore

the mind of a child is truly remarkable (especially this child)

I was recently featured on Carbonmade for my photography porfolio and I could not be more appreciative. The story of carbonmade's startup is a showcase of success through the creative minds of Spencer Fry, David Gorum, and Jason Nelson. The business began as a solution for putting David's work on the web in a aesthetically pleasing, easy to use portfolio but they soon realized that it had the potential to be a marketable web app. (the best I have personally seen) "We set out to showcase your work in a beautiful and simplistic way and draw the viewer’s eye to what’s being displayed and not how it’s being displayed," says co-founder, Spencer Fry. You can read the whole story of Carbonmade's startup here. I am extremely honored to have been featured and would like to thank Spencer and the Carbonmade team once again for everything they've done for me.

Josh Haygood, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wound, Rewound, then Unwound

Pieces of My Mind
collect them all for special prize
"spring has sprung and it's time to recoil it"

Spring Break has been extremely. (Yes just extremely) So much said, accomplished, wasted, wished, and expected. I've had time to get my website up and oil it a bit and I've had a couple servings of good old spring cleaning around the house. This blog thus far has been a bit of a late night journal. You know the 30 or so minutes that you get into bed and your thoughts tide over your mind. (I swear the moon has the same affect on my thought life as it does on the ocean) The good memories of the day always come first thankfully, like the dessert you scarf down before you have to eat the healthy garbage simmering putridly in momma's pots and pans (No offense mother dearest, not even referring to you) I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is always the pressure of work that still needs to be done. Sure I bought a camera, started a portfolio, launched a website, bought a domain name, created a fan page, and a blog but now I feel something like Bilbo's infamous exodus speech: "like butter that has been spread over too much bread." It's as if I threw my life into the paint bucket of an abstract splatter art studio. My next project will be organizing my virtual life and business. I need a solution that fits my perfectionist specifications and aspirations.

On another note, I'll be graduating in early June! (I haven't realized it yet, so don't tell me) Those of you who know me well know that I don't usually get excited about anything until it is almost tangible. Maybe thats why I enjoy food so much. (hmmm? mmmmm...Fuzzy's 3 cheese nachos...Yes please!) Anyways, college is a filthy devil that is out to take your money so I'm sitting on my options and praying for the best. I've been accepted to Oral Roberts University and very much like the School: Campus, People, and Atmosphere (love the media dept!) and I'm in a struggle for their prestigious Whole Person Scholarship, which would financially enable me to attend. If I turn out to be only a partial person however, I am perfectly content with staying in the greatest state in America and continuing my education at more affordable venue amongst the people I love.

The future is blindingly bright. (Meaning that I don't see exactly where I'm going, but It's gonna be insanely good) I've lined up a couple senior picture sessions and a few weddings in May. It's uncanny how (hold on, gonna make up a word) "outrovertedly" excited I can get about getting to pick up my camera and having a direction towards which to press that little silver button. All of your support is greatly appreciated! coming up on 200 facebook fans with more on the way! Spread the word! Please email me with any questions, comments, or jobs you may have for me at

-Josh Haygood, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Vision

Vision //ˈvi-zhən/- An image of what the future will or could be like. I have always loved writing as a practice and an art because through words we can illustrate pictures that will last forever. If it is true that timelessness of an image is powerful enough to speak 1000 words, then photography is in my book paramount of the arts. A shutter actuation, camera flash, and a creative eye are all it takes to take history with us into the future. My vision is the same as everyone else's and I'd love to share it with you through my photography. I love what I do with zealous enthusiasm and invite you to tag along. Your moments can be as timeless as words with the right vision. Embrace the moment and never let it go.

My procrastinatory skills have kept me from taking the plunge into the blogosphere but I believe I will put off procrastination until another time and do this thing. I have learned a great deal from reading blogs of other important and notable people and it's about time that I should copy them since I plan on becoming an important and notable person. (shiny people as I like to call them) Photography is my game and a great deal of my blogs will relate to this topic. If that is not your thing, just stick around to look at the pretty pictures. That's all for now folks as it is way past my bedtime and Z's are in on my head's clearance rack. Thanks for all the time you spent looking at my words.

With the sincerest of love from somewhere in the middle part of my heart,
Josh Haygood, 2010